Articles published on other blogs
Apache Software foundation blog
My experience with the Apache Way: a perfect society?
Apache Flink blog
The article I published here were also published to Flink official blog to target the maximum audience:
- Howto migrate a real-life batch pipeline from the DataSet API to the DataStream API
- Howto create a batch source with the new Source framework
- Howto test a batch source with the new Source framework
ApacheCon 2020
This talk is the continuation of the 2019 talk and gives updates about the new Apache Beam runner based on Spark Structured Streaming framework.
ApacheCon 2019
This talk is about building the new translation layer from Apache Beam to Apache Spark which is called the Spark runner. This new runner leverages the Spark Structured Streaming framework
Apache Software foundation blog aôut 2019
Glad to be in the top 2 Apache contributors ASF blog August 2019. Thanks the ASF !
ApacheCon 2018
This talk is about how to extract metrics from a Big Data pipeline with Apache Beam and how these metrics are universal throughout Big Data execution engines.
Unfortunately, there was no video recording of this session, but only an audio recording.
The slides
The audio
ApacheCon 2017
This talk is about benchmarking Big Data engines with Apache Beam and Nexmark.
Unfortunately, there was no video recording of this session, but only an audio recording.